Dental Sedation
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Dental Sedation at Regency
At Regency House Dental Clinic, we offer different sedation options for nervous patients. Our certified and experienced dentist and dental sedationist Dr Jessica Taylor has been practising intravenous dental sedation for over 5 years. She will assess patients and review their medical history prior to the sessions to ensure that the patient is suitable for the use of intravenous midazolam. Patients are carefully monitored by Dr Jessica and our head nurse during the session whilst one of her dental colleagues provides the dental treatment required.
Patients can then receive the treatment more easily and are often very relaxed after the treatment is completed. Please note that intravenous sedation is not the same as a general anaesthetic where a patient is put to sleep by a medical anaesthetist. Patients are normal still awake and responsive to the dental team but very relaxed. Please note that additional fees are incurred for dental sedation at a rate of £300/hr with a maximum fee of £950.
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